Three different times per year our 4th grade students create comforting cards for our sick and homebound parishioners. The students take great care in creating cards that are very cheerful and uplifting for those that are in need of some cheering up. We always receive several ‘thank you’ notes from card recipients conveying their gratitude and the joy that this little gesture has given them!
Covenant House of Michigan is a faith-based nonprofit organization that provides hope to homeless, runaway and at-risk youth ages 13-22. They provide shelter, educational and vocational programs, as well as other support services, to help overcome hurdles such as homelessness, unemployment, inadequate education, violence, drugs and gangs. Their goal is to redirect them onto a path toward meaningful and successful adulthood. CHM has come to be known by Detroit area young people as a place they can go to build a better future and be treated with respect and unconditional love. Over 54,785 youth have been served by CHM since its inception in September, 1997.
Our 8th grade Confirmation class is proud to support the Covenant House of Michigan through their monetary donations and efforts!
Troops Need Love Too is a non-profit organization that is 100% volunteer driven. They lift the spirits and meet the needs of our U.S. Armed Forces deployed to remote bases overseas. Through generous donations, they thrive and are able to support our Armed Forces whiles they are deployed.
By coming together, they pack and send care packages with food, hygiene items and letters from home boosting moral. By keeping moral high we are letting our Armed Forces know they are never forgotten.
Our 8th Grade Confirmation class is proud and honored to support this non-profit with donations throughout the year!
A volunteer-based ministry dedicated to feeding up to 200 of Christ’s lambs each day of operation, the All Saints Soup Kitchen provides nourishment to body and soul. Our 8th grade Confirmation class will be supporting this great cause within our community either through monetary donations or as volunteers.
Training for altar serving generally begins with recruits in the fourth grade. This service is open to Catholic students in both parochial and public school. This parish is blessed with a large group of children who serve at liturgies. Altar serving is a great privilege that brings your child up close to the Church's most sacred mysteries, namely the Mass.