Spiritual and Moral Development
St. Pius Catholic School is a Catholic school built on the following principles:
To prepare students for a continuously deeper and more mature life of faith.
To nurture the purity of heart that awakens a sense of prayer and openness to God.
To lead the students to a meaningful participation in liturgical worship.
To complement family efforts to transmit the Catholic faith.
To foster the formation of a right conscience.
To foster the building of a true community both in the school and in the family.
To develop the students’ attitudes of service.
To promote the dignity of every human person.
Daily Instruction
All students participate in religious instruction for thirty to forty-five minutes each day. Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten use Family First by Sadlier. The Blest are We series, published by Sadlier, is used as the basic text through grade six. The seventh and eighth grades use the Faith First series from the same publisher.
Although some children who attend this school do not belong to the Catholic faith, we feel that our education is effective because it flows from our Catholic principles that are ordered to the good for all people. It is for this reason that every child participates in our religious instruction classes and all other school liturgical services. If any child or parent, at any point, desires to become Catholic or find out more about the faith we would love to walk with you on this journey.
Liturgical Preparation
The entire student body gathers for Mass each Thursday or Holy Day at 8:30 A.M. Families are always welcome to attend any liturgical celebration with the students. During the celebration of the Mass, our non-Catholic students, and any Catholic students not prepared to receive Communion, are welcome to come forward for a blessing during the reception of Holy Communion.
First Reconciliation
Class preparation is in grade two. Older students are prepared by special arrangement. Parents are expected to participate in the meetings and activities provided by the Director of Faith Formation. This is an incredible Sacrament where we encounter God's mercy and forgiveness first hand.
First Communion
Class preparation is in grade two. Older students are prepared by special arrangement. The Director of Faith Formation provides meetings for parents in preparation for the Sacrament.
It is important to note that First Communion is celebrated as a parish community as directed by the Archdiocese of Detroit. As such, all children of St. Pius Catholic School and the children of St. Pius X Faith Formation Program receiving First Communion will celebrate this Sacrament together in one community at St. Pius. Depending on the number of children, the program will be divided alphabetically, so we may provide a comfortable seating arrangement for all of our families. We celebrate this Sacrament in great joy as we receive the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ as one parish community.
Students in grade eight are prepared for the reception of this Sacrament. Parents, sponsors, and students are expected to attend and participate in programs and activities held prior to the reception of Confirmation. This is a special Sacrament where the power of the Holy Spirit will be increased in your child to go out and live an authentic and evangelistic Catholic life.